Monday, May 30, 2011


What is meant here by success is the achievement of something worth while, that shall make the world better and richer, and add something to the common good. Our sphere in life may be very humble, but if we overcome our own weaknesses, help others along life's pathway, and do our daily work better than we need, our life cannot be other than successful. If, at the end of our life, we can be thankful for it, realizing that we have made the best possible use of it, we have achieved real success.

Success, to the unenlightend, may mean the accumulation of wealth and the winning of fame. Yet those who give up their lives to the acquirement of these things are the greatest failures in life. They gain wealth, it is true, but they find that their money can buy only those things that bring no satisfaction: that it cannot purchase for them any of the things which are really worth having. Success of this hollow kind, can be won, but at too great a price. The greatest Teacher of all once said: "For what shall it profit man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" What does it profit a man if he "gets on" at the cost of happiness, health, joy of living, domestic life, and the ability to appreciate Nature's beauties and simple pleasures?

Yet man must always strive. He must be forever seeking better things and to express himself more perfectly. One who drifts through life, making no effort to rise to better things, is not worthy of the name of citizen. Man, if he is to be worthy of the name, must be for ever striving, overcoming, rising. Failure in life is always due to weakness of character. It is only strong characters who can resist the buffetings of life and overcome its difficulties. The man who would make his life worthy of respect and who would rise to high achievement and service, will be confronted by difficulty at every turn. This is as it should be, for it weeds out the weaklings and unworthy aspirants, and awards the spoils to those who exhibit faith, courage, steadfastness, patience, perseverance, persistence, cheerfulness, and strength of character, generally. Success, especially material success, is not, in itself, of much benefit to the one who wins it. It does not satisfy for long, but it is valuable in other ways. For instance, success, based on service, is a benefit to the community. If, it were not for successful people of this type the ordinary man in the rut would have a bad time. Also, the winning of success builds up character. One who would be successful in the battle of life, must be prepared to be tested and tried in every possible way. One who survives them all is built up in character in almost every direction. Even in his success, however, he will be tempted and tried. One who is engaged in the harsh struggle of business, or who takes part in public life, may, if he does not watch himself very carefully, become hard and callous. Of all failures this is probably the worst. One who succeeds in other directions and becomes a "hard man," is, after all, a sorry failure.

Again, people of the successful, striving, climbing type, are tempted far more than those who are afraid to venture and who remain in the valley of mediocrity. This is true, not only of those who seek to climb the steep path of spiritual attainment, but also of those who are successful in mundane affairs. In each case, they have placed in their keeping great powers and influence such as the ordinary man seldom dreams of. This is a grave responsibility, for if these powers are used for self-aggrandisement the results are disastrous. Thus, those who climb, are beset on all sides by temptations of a very subtle kind, which, if yielded to, will ruin the life and do grave injury to the soul.
Life is a continual battle. To the ordinary person it is generally a fight with circumstances and the ordinary difficulties of life which are very important in his eyes. The more advanced soul is not troubled much by these things, he rises above them, but he is tempted and tried to a much greater degree, and in a far more subtle manner. Those who think that by following a certain "cult" or "ism," they will be able to have an uneventful walk through life are merely deluding themselves. As he learns to overcome the difficulties of life which baffle the ordinary individual, he will be tempted and tried in other and more subtle ways. This is because life is not for mere passing pleasure, but is for the building up of character, through experience. Therefore, one who would succeed must be strong, and wise and patient. Those who aspire to make their lives really worthwhile: who desire to serve their fellows more perfectly: who want to build up character through experience and overcome all their weaknesses, inherited or otherwise, must look within for power and wisdom.

It must be pointed out, however, that man must not use his spiritual powers for selfish purposes and self-aggrandisement. There is an immutable law, which has been known to the inner teaching all through the ages, that forbids the use of spiritual powers for the creation of wealth or even of daily bread. the Messiah was subject to the same spiritual law, and was tempted exactly in the same way as we. The tempter said: "Command this stone that it be made bread." If the Messiah had turned the stone into bread, He would have failed in His great mission, but He knew the law. There are thousands of people to-day who are trying, not only to turn, by the mis-use of their spiritual powers, stones into bread, but also into motor cars, fat bank balances and lands and houses. Such are heading to disaster, for they are working against the combined Spiritual Power of the Universe. The Enemy of Souls offers those who have learned to tap the inexhaustible Power of the Universe, and who have discovered that they are sons of the Almighty, wealth, power, pomp, the applause of men--the glittering things that perish--if only they will mis- use the power given them by the Supreme Being. Like the Messiah, they must refuse. They must put service before self, and give instead of grasping.

Thousands are being taught to-day to force their human will upon life and to use occult powers for the acquisition of wealth and power. They are taught to enter the Silence and demand "what they want." "How to get what you want" is the slogan of these modern teachers. Not merit, not service, not giving, but demanding, compelling by human will-power and by the use of occult forces. This is another device of the Enemy of Souls, and it is taking tens of thousands of seekers for Truth out of the Path. This subject is dealt with more fully in a separate chapter.

If, however, man's ambition is to serve and to give, instead of to grasp and to grab: if, also, he seeks success through merit and not through the mis-use of his spiritual powers, he can go forward and the Power will go with him and will help him. When once the Power has been aroused, man must cease all purely selfish striving, although, of course, there will still be much selfishness in his motive. He must seek his success through service and through following noble aims: through merit and a fair exchange, instead of trying to wring success from life, no matter who may suffer thereby.

Further, when this Power has been brought into expression it must only be used in love, for if it used otherwise it will destroy the user. Again, the Power must not be used by the finite human will, but an endeavour must be made to find what the Will of the Whole is, and to work in harmony with it.

Behind each life is the Divine Will and Purpose. Each life is perfect as it is imaged in the Universal Mind. The highest success, indeed, the only true success, is to live the life according to the great Cosmic Purpose, or, in other words, as it is imaged in the One Mind.

Do not imagine, however, that it is the Will of the Universal Mind that man should be a failure or lacking in achievement. Far from it, for we have only to contemplate the Universe to see that the Infinite Mind is for ever achieving and that it never fails. Man, too, must succeed, but let him mix wisdom with his ambition, and work for the benefit of the Whole, rather than for any purely selfish purpose.

It is natural for man to "get on" in life, to a moderate extent. [5] In order to "get on" he must become more efficient, and thus serve life and his fellows better. Therefore, there is no harm in success of this kind. It is natural and laudable also for one in poor and unlovely surroundings to have an ambition to raise himself to better circumstances. It is only right that he should desire to make life brighter and better for his wife and family. So long as he indulges in ambition wisely, and if he seeks success through better service to his fellows, his is a praiseworthy purpose. If, however, he does not curb and control his ambition but allows it to "run away" with him, he will lose all real joy in life, and, at the last, when it is too late, learn, to his sorrow, that his life, through too much "success," has been a failure.

[5] It must not be deduced from this that the author deprecates large achievement. There must always be the few who have to bear huge responsibilities. The real success of the lives of these great ones depends entirely upon their MOTIVE. If they seek merely power, fame and self-aggrandisement, then their life, no matter how it may APPEAR otherwise, can be only a failure. If, however, their motive is SERVICE, then their life is truly successful, no matter how it may appear to be otherwise.

The writer's experience has been that it is necessary that we should always be progressing, achieving, overcoming and endeavouring to succeed. One of the greatest laws of the Universe is progress, therefore it is fatal to stand still. We must go forward, we must achieve, we must accomplish things. If we do so, we may find that many things which cost us much effort, and hard work are not worth the having, yet all the time we are learning, through experience, and are being strengthened and prepared for greater things. Through repeated failure to find true satisfaction we arrive finally at true knowledge, wisdom and understanding. We are wise then, if, with the world at our feet, we can be satisfied with a very moderate material success, and turn our attention and aspirations to higher and better things.

In concluding this chapter let it be pointed out that success and achievement will not drop ready made from heaven into your lap. All who succeed are gluttons for work, toiling whilst others play and sleep. All teaching to the contrary is erroneous. To think that success is going to come to you when it is unmerited, simply because you make use of "affirmations" or employ mental "treatments," is folly of the first water. On the other hand, to use the inner forces in an occult way, so as to compel material things or "success," so-called, in any shape or form, to come to you, is black magic. One who stoops to such practices becomes a black magician, earning for himself a terrible retribution. There is only one way to succeed in the affairs of life, and that is by raising oneself to greater usefulness and service. By doing things better than they have been done before, by bearing greater responsibility, you serve humanity better, and therefore merit success. "It is more blessed to give than to receive," said the Messiah, and this is true even in the practical and material affairs of life. First, you must give better and more valuable service: in other words, deserve and merit before you expect to see it materialize. You must sow before you can reap: you must become too big for your present position before you are capable of occupying a larger one. You must grow and expand in every possible way, and as you grow so will your success increase. Outward success is only a reflection, so to speak, of what you really are, and a result of greater and more valuable service to humanity. It requires great effort and determination to get out of the rut, but so long as your ambition is not ignoble or selfish, there will be found within you power sufficient for all your needs.

To win success, either in the hurly-burly of life, or the more difficult path of spiritual progress, demands imagination, vision, courage, faith, determination, persistence, perseverance, hope, cheerfulness and other qualities. These are all to be found within. All these qualities lie more or less dormant within, and can be called into expression if we believe that Infinite Power is ours.

Again, however, must the warning be repeated that this Power must not be used for selfish self- aggrandisement, still less may it be used, or, rather, mis-used, either to influence or dominate others. If this Power is mis-used the results are terrible and disastrous. Therefore, use the Power only for the achievement of good and noble aims and in service which shall enrich the life of your fellows, adding to the common good. Having arrived at this stage you must go forward. There can be no holding back. Ever onward, the Divine Urge is sending you, to greater achievement and accomplishment. Just as surely as the planets must revolve round the sun and fulfil their destiny, so also must you go forward. See to it, then, that your aims and ambitions are based upon eternal wisdom, for upon this does your whole future depend.

Remember to Manifest a Miracle


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cause and Effect

Man is the cause of the disasters in his life. He reaps through the ages exactly as he sows. Life is perfectly just and rewards every man according to his works. The fate of the present is the reaping of his sowing in, it may be, a distant past. Therefore, the disasters and sufferings of this life, must not be attributed to the interference of a impulsive and unreasonable Creator, for the truth is, they are due to the exact working of a perfectly just law. Fate, once created, is irrevocable. It can neither be fought nor evaded. By fighting against fate, man merely smashes himself to pieces. To do so, is equivalent to running his head against a stone cliff: the harder he charges, the greater the damage to his head--but the cliff is unaffected. Fate, although largely self-created, is really the Divine purpose of life: therefore, to resist it is to fight against the Supreme Being. Fate, again is not punishment, in any vindictive sense, it is the drawing together of certain remedial experiences, through which the soul can learn the lessons it has failed to learn in the past and thus attain wisdom. The object of fate is the highest good of the individual, although it may entail suffering and painful experiences.

Because the disasters in man's life are due to past incorrect actions, it naturally follows that his future depends upon the kind of life that he lives to-day. If, in the past, he has created for himself a sequence of events and experiences, from which it is impossible for him to escape, it is obvious that his future depends entirely upon how he lives in the present. It will be seen that if man can learn the lessons of the present life, and live in such a way as to cease creating trouble for the future, he is beginning to climb the Path of Liberation, which is the road all advanced souls have to follow, or, rather, have the privilege of following. By following this path, man ceases to be bound to the wheel of fate.

This little work does not teach reincarnation, but its teaching is based on a belief that man, in reality, is a spiritual being, a Divine Spark from the Sacred Fire. Spirit being immortal has no beginning or end therefore always lives. This present life is one of countless experiences, each one of which helps to build up character. There is no death, but only changes from one vehicle to another. There is no beginning, or end, or time in reality, these are mere limitations of the human mind. It is impossible for man to die: he can only leave his body. He cannot kill himself, try how he will: he can only force himself out of his body. Man must always go on, whether he likes it or not: he proceeds through the ages, reaping exactly as he sows.

We have already seen that man cannot avoid or fight successfully against fate, but that he can become free from the wheel of fate by living a life in harmony with Divine Law. [4] At this point it is necessary to point out that most of man's troubles are not caused by fate at all, but are due to his fighting against or trying to resist the great plan. If the experiences of life are resisted, or an attempt is made to evade its discipline, troubles and difficulties will repeat, becoming more painful and insistent until their lesson is learnt and the life changed accordingly. Therefore man has it in his power greatly to improve his present life, as well as to create a far better future, simply by living his life to-day in harmony with Divine Law. Further, it is necessary to point out that all thought and action have an immediate as well as a far reaching effect. It is true that the full effect of life here is not reaped until after our little course on this plane has been run, but great differences are effected in the present life nevertheless. The way a youth makes use of, or throws away his opportunities, either makes or mars, to a very large extent, his adult career. Opportunities, once allowed to pass, can never be recalled. Sins committed and incorrect actions done to our fellow men have an unpleasant habit of repeating themselves in a reversed way later in life. For instance, a man may get on in life, and, in his selfish climb, may trample on one weaker than himself, ruining him and driving him to despair. Years afterwards, he will probably be treated in exactly the same way by someone stronger and more favourably situated than himself. Therefore, there is an immediate sowing and reaping that finds fruition in this life. By "immediate" is meant, within the compass of this life. The reaping may be delayed ten or twenty years, but in the my experience, it does come. "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Those, therefore, who think that life is not just, and who whine and complain about the way they are treated, are simply increasing their own troubles. Until man realizes that the cause of all his troubles is within himself he can never do anything to remedy matters, because, obviously, the only thing that is required is for him to change within. Man has to become changed within before his life can be altered. His thoughts, his ideals, his attitude towards life must all become transformed. When this change has been effected, he not only begins to repair his present life, but he creates a fairer and nobler life for the future.

[4] This is the inner secret of all esoteric teaching. The new birth, or regeneration, means the awakening of the soul to conscious immortality. The old self, that was bound to the wheel of fate and the plane of cause and effect from which it could never free itself, owing to the fact that it was continually binding itself to the wheel afresh, through following selfish desires, dies, and a new self is born. In other words, the consciousness is raised from the plane of sin and death, of sensuality and desire, of restriction and captivity, to the higher plane of Spirit, where man realizes that he is a son of the Almighty. He discovers that the Divine Spark within is his true self. He realizes also that he has always lived--in his real Spiritual Self. Beginning and end, like change and decay, belong purely to the material plane and have no place in Reality. They form part of this present three dimensional existence but have no reality. Endless being is the reality. Anything short of this is mere illusion. It is not necessary, therefore, to believe in the theory of reincarnation or that all our experiences must of necessity take place on this plane. Sufficient to know that we can never die, that we cannot escape from ourselves, and that to neglect seeking with all our heart for union once again with our Divine Source, is merely to prolong our sufferings.

Man, then, has to modify his thinking. His desires and aspirations, instead of being directed towards hate and evil must be transformed to love and good. Instead of wallowing in lust and selfishness he must lift himself to higher and better things. How can this be done? It cannot be accomplished by the finite man at all, but it can be achieved by the Infinite Power within. It is only when man realizes his oneness with the Infinite and believes that Omnipotent Power is at his disposal, that the Spiritual Power within becomes available. So long as man has doubts and fears or disbeliefs, this special power is not available. It is his, but his state of heart and mind prevents him from either realizing the presence of the Power or making use of it. Before the machinery of a workshop can run it must be connected up with the engine room. In the same way, man, before he can live the new life, must become one with the Infinite Life and Power.

Entering this new life of power, does not take away life's experiences, its trials, troubles and adversities, but the change within does prevent the creation of unnecessary troubles and suffering. Also even a so-called unkind fate loses much of its power to wound, for the higher man rises into union with the Supreme Being and Infinite Love, the less power it has in his life. It still operates, but it fails to wound so deeply, for man, seeing with enlightened eyes, knows that it is righteousness that has come to bless; and not evil that has come to slay. Painful fate loses its power to hurt when man ceases to resist it and meets it with open arms, seeking to learn the lessons that it has to teach.

Remember to Manifest a Miracle


Sunday, May 22, 2011


Our life here is not governed by a impulsive Being who blows first hot and then cold or who favours one person and tortures another. The Supreme Being works through laws that are absolutely just and unchanging. Therefore all disaster and trouble in the life is the effect of certain causes. These causes are our own incorrect actions in the past, which set in motion forces, against which the power and wit and wisdom of man are powerless. [3] However, because the fundamental law of the Universe is love, it follows that the working of the law of cause and effect is not vindictive. Its object is our highest good, to bring us into union with the Divine or in tune with the Infinite. Therefore, by rising up to a higher plane and coming more into harmony and union with the Divine, we rob even big fate of something of its power. We cannot oppose it, for by so doing we fight against Omnipotence, but we can forestall it by doing willingly, and of our own accord, that very thing which experience comes to teach us.

[3] Another cause is that the soul has failed to learn certain lessons, therefore, in this life, many painful experiences are brought to bear, in such a way, as to teach the necessary lessons. The lessons are, however, learnt only if painful or unpleasant experiences are met in the correct way. So long as man believes that he is unjustly treated by fate and that he does not "deserve" what life metes out to him, he intensifies his troubles, both now and hereafter, through not learning the lessons that life desires to teach. When, however man realizes and admits that life is just and that the cause of all his troubles is within himself, he, like the prodigal son comes to himself and, soon afterwards, begins his homeward journey. Yet another cause is that the soul is deficient in character. Strength and stability of character can be built up through the soul meeting trouble and difficulty. Again it must be pointed out that they must be met in the right spirit.

It will be seen then, that our future depends entirely upon the way we think and act in this life. Our future lies in our own hands. If we violate the law of love in this life, we create disaster and suffering for the future, which will have to be met, in the form of "big fate" of a painful character, some day. Therefore, by correct thinking and correct doing now, we not only improve conditions in this life, but we also create a future that will be more harmonious and freer than anything we have experienced prior.

It is also necessary to point out that, even in this life, some of its big disasters are the result of thoughts and actions committed during this present existence. A youth or young man may commit a folly that brings, in after life, a terrible retribution. Or he may do another man a grievous wrong and years afterwards someone else does the same wrong to him. It is always an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth on this plane of cause and effect, but the Revealer of the Great Way of Life, by His teaching of the power of love, enables us to rise above these lower things and live a life of harmony and peace.

Remember to Manifest a Miracle


Thursday, May 19, 2011


Great has been the controversy in the past, over the vexed subject of fate versus free-will. On the one hand, fatalists claim that man is so closely bound to the wheel of fate it is impossible for him to live his life in any different way than that which is mapped out for him. He can bring a quantity of first-class evidence in support of his claim and believes in his theory with all his heart. On the other hand, the advocate of free-will believes just as whole-heartedly that man is not bound at all, being as free as air. He, too, can bring plenty of evidence in support of his theory, which confirms him in his belief. Each one of them thinks that the other is wrong, yet they cannot both be wrong! Let us therefore examine the subject for ourselves, for it is an important one, being intimately connected with the subject which this book discusses.

First of all, let it be said, they are both wrong, in part, and right, in part. Man is bound to the wheel, yet, at the same time, he has free-will. Let us, therefore, explain this seeming paradox.

It is an ancient truth of the inner teaching that man, when he is unenlightend and before he is "unfolded," is bound to the wheel of fate very closely. The unenlightend man follows his desires, thus creating for himself a future from which he cannot escape. When however, he becomes more enlightened and liberated, he begins to resist following his desires and strives, instead, to follow higher things. This creates for him a better future and thus he becomes free in comparison with his former slave state. Man is a slave to fate as long as he is a slave to the desires of the earth plane. He is, however, free to overcome lower things and thus rise to higher. When he does this he ceases to create a painful future for himself and thus becomes free.

There is, therefore, fate which is self created. It is necessary to acknowledge this before we can proceed further. One who has not had much experience of life or who has not been a close observer, may deny that there is such a thing, but one who has had great changes in his life, against which he has fought and struggled in vain, knows that there is a purpose working behind the events of life, against which even kings and mighty men are powerless. There come times in man's life when he moves heaven and earth, figuratively speaking: prays until he can pray no more: sacrifices, it may be, his money, his health, his prospects, and does everything that is in the power of a human being in a vain attempt to stave off a threatened disaster. But, in spite of all his efforts, in spite of his cries to a pitiless heaven, the relentless march of fate cannot be stayed. It moves forward like a huge steamroller and crushes his hopes, his dearest idol, his very life itself or all that then makes his life worth living--and leaves him desolate.

"If then," you may ask, "fate is so pitiless and so powerful, what can be done with it and where does free-will enter into the matter?" In reply it must be admitted at once that it is no use fighting fate. The more man fights it, the more completely he gets broken. There are certain main events in each life which must come to pass. These events and changes are inevitable and it is hopeless to fight against them. While these things, which constitute what we call fate, are inevitable and therefore cannot be avoided, it rests with ourselves how we meet these adversities and disasters. If we meet them in the wrong way they break us. If, however, we meet them in the correct way we become stronger through discipline and experience, thus becoming better fitted to bear life's responsibilities and to overcome its difficulties and temptations. One who meets the setbacks, griefs, bereavements and disasters of life in the right spirit becomes a strong and rich character. He becomes mellowed through experience, strong, stable, a ministering influence to all who meet him.

When things go smoothly and life is a merry round, no philosophy or religion seems necessary, and "as for an inward power, what of it, we can do very well without it." So say the thoughtless and inexperienced, but there come times in every life, when, not only is a philosophy, and that a very sound one, necessary, but also a power, of which the finite self knows nothing, is needed in order to raise the soul out of the dust and ashes of its despair. It is one thing to try and meet trouble and adversity in the right spirit and quite another thing to have the power to do so. One who thinks that he has no power within him but that all the power is in circumstances, can never rise victorious over his troubles and become a conqueror over life's difficulties; but one who realizes that he possesses a wonderful power that can raise him up, no matter how crushed he may be, can never be a failure in life. No matter what may happen to him he will play the man and act a noble part. He will rise from the ruins of his life and build it anew in greater beauty and splendour.

At this stage it is necessary to point out that there is a difference between "big fate" and the circumstances of life. "Big fate" as it sometimes is called antedates this present life and its cause does not come within the scope of this little book. [2] Sufficient if we say here that, through the ages, we reap as we sow, therefore our future depends upon how we meet life and its difficulties now. Big fate, then, cannot be successfully fought, simply because it is the working of Omnipotent Law, but our life generally and its circumstances depend upon how we meet "big fate," and how we recover from it. No matter how seemingly unkind "fate" may be, it is possible for us to make our life a beautiful thing. Inspired and energized by the Power within, we can rise from the ashes of our dead hopes to build anew our life in greater beauty and more in harmony with the Divine Ideal.

[2] In addition to the "fate" or "future" which every thought and action builds, there is, behind all processes, a gigantic plan. This wonderful plan that embraces all, from the stupendous conception of a limitless universe down to the smallest electron, is being worked out through the ages with absolute precision. Nothing can prevent this plan from being brought into manifestation. It gathers up our past and weaves it into our present life, just in the same way that it is busily gathering up our present life and weaving it into future fate. It works it all into the big plan, somehow, and with infinite skill. The plan is bound to be followed (this, too, is fate) but HOW we follow it, either with willingness and happiness, or opposition or woe, rests with us (this is free will).

Those who have studied the Occult sciences may say "what about planetary influences?" They will point out that, according to the ancient science of astrology, a man's life is determined by the "star" under which he is born. This is true, if he gives in to the influences around his path. At different times in his life man meets with influences that are sometimes "favourable" and at other times, adverse. These influences are, however, only influences after all, and one who will stand firm during periods of adversity and refuse to give in, relying upon the great Power within to carry him through, will find that he can weather all storms of life and come out of his trials greatly strengthened. He cannot prevent these influences from coming around his path of life, but he can rise superior to them. He will meet with failures and set-backs but he will make of these, stepping-stones to success. He will experience griefs and bereavements, but out of these he will build a finer character and rise to higher things. One, however, who gives in to these things, refusing to rise again and reconstruct his life, condemns himself to further suffering, thus making his life an uter shipwreck.

Let those that despair take heart again. Believe in the Power within you and you will rise to heights before undreamed of. With this Power to help you, you can accomplish the apparently impossible.

Remember to Manifest a Miracle


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

7-Part Miracle Mind Manifesting Program

1. Foundations - Discover the secrets of manifesting, the law of attraction and co-creation, packed with illuminating insights that lay the foundation of the program. These include a thorough and holistic exploration of manifesting, the law of attraction and co-creation as well as practical and metaphysical manifesting tips such as creating a 'focus anchor' and how to flex your 'receiving muscle'!

2. Vibrational Manifestating Guide - 10 secrets to raising your vibration on mental, physical, emotional and spiritual levels to enhance your manifesting success and leverage the law of attraction 100% in your favour. Discover how to create states of consciousness that accelerate the rate of manifesting your desires.

This section also includes access to numerous ADDITIONAL RESOURCES, including an Emotional Freedom Technique Manual, Forgiveness eBook, 10 Step Optimum Diet Guide, ‘Dynamind' Healing Technique, Aloha Spirit Blessings booklet and more!

3. Visions Sheets – The Vision Sheets section is designed to assist you in identifying goals in line with your passions, dreams and heart's desires. As well as exploring goal setting at a whole new level, you will create a ‘vision template' for the specific goal/s you have in mind. This will be implemented in the manifesting Blueprint Audio Meditation listened to as part of your Daily Program.

4. Belief Clearing Guide – The Belief Buster mini-workbook & Belief Buster Meditation (MP3 audio) assist you in identifying and clearing limiting beliefs and replacing them with new empowering beliefs aligned to your visions and goals and include over 8 practical exercises. The Belief Buster Meditation (audio) enables you to install your new beliefs at a subconscious level. You will clear negative beliefs and replace them with positive beliefs. Bust free from your past programs and limitations!

5. Blocks and Resistance – This section looks at 7 manifesting pitfalls that can otherwise distort your emotional resonance and sabotage your manifesting success. It also offers a process of enquiry with which you can identify and disentangle resistances, conflicting thoughts/feelings and blockages that can stand between you and your goals. The Manifesting Blueprint Meditation audio recording (below) includes a 'healing light meditation' for releasing and transmuting any blockages to your manifesting success.

6. Daily Program – The Daily Program is your daily manifesting routine to sharpen and hone your manifesting skills and align your vibration to your goals. Flex your spiritual, mental and meta-physical muscles in this daily mind, body, soul workout. The Daily Program creates the structure and framework for action, momentum and implementation to bridge the gap between you and your dreams.

7. Manifesting Blueprint Meditation Audio Recording (MP3) – The Manifesting Blueprint Meditation is a guided visualization and encodes your unconscious with your desired goal for its effortless manifestation in your life (listened to daily as part of your 30 day Daily Program). The blueprints you create internally manifest externally with ease. The meditation also enables you to access and engage your emotions to fully activate the law of attraction in your life. The Manifesting Blueprint Meditation also includes a 'healing light meditation' for transmuting and transforming your blockages to success. Sky-rocket your manifesting vibration with this one-of-a-kind life-changing audio.

The Miracle Mind Manifesting Program is truly holistic. For it to be effective it has to be. Your reality is a reflection and extension of the entirety of your consciousness. The 7 sections of this program cover all aspects of conscious creation as well as integrating a spiritual dimension for fully engaging the grace of co-creation.

The Miracle Mind Manifestng Program is not about will-power, affirmations, trying harder, control, effort or doing more.

It is about understanding and utilizing the tools that already exist within you, and the power of resonance and co-creation to manifest what you want with effortless ease.

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Remember to Manifest a Miracle


Sunday, May 15, 2011


One who realizes his own real spiritual identity, knows that he can never die, that he can never be defeated, that he can never really fail. He may lose his body through the change that is called death; but he, the true man, can never die. Neither can he fail, though he be defeated a thousand times--he MUST rise again.

Only have faith in the Spiritual Power within you and you can know all the joys of overcoming and achievement. All things will become yours. Seek first the Kingdom within you (your spiritual union with the Infinite, and harmony with the Divine Will and Purpose) and all these things shall be added unto you. You will have no need to fear the morrow, for you will know that all provision has already been made. There will be no need to hoard up wealth, for there will be the necessary daily supplies always available. There will be no need to live near a doctor, for the Almighty, the Infinite Life, shall be your health. There will be no need for regret or lamentation, for you shall know that all is well. There will be no fear of future happenings, for you shall realize that the Infinite One makes no mistakes.

Remember to Manifest a Miracle


Saturday, May 14, 2011


It is impossible to have an easy life, and, if it were possible, then life would be not worth living, for the sole object of life is the building of character and the attainment of wisdom through life's experiences. Life to all of us must always be full of difficulty, and it is to help those, who, hitherto, have found life rather too much for them that this book is being written. What many are seeking for is an easy life (which they will never find, but precisely the reverse) and for them I have no message. But to those wise and awakened souls who are seeking for Truth, no matter from whence it may come, and who desire to overcome life and its difficulties, instead of weakly giving in to them, this book, it is hoped, will bring a message.

At this stage we cannot go into the subject of why we should meet with disasters and adversity in this life, nor why some people should have, apparently, a smoother life than others. We must therefore be satisfied to know that we have to meet trouble and overcome difficulty, and that it is only by so doing that we can attain wisdom and build up character. The question, then, is not whether we shall meet the trouble and adversity or not, but rather, how we shall meet them. Will we be victorious or will we be subdued? Will we overcome life's difficulties or will we give in to them?

The majority of people are drifters on the sea of life. They are wafted here and blown there: they are also carried hither and thither by every current. It is only the few who realize that they have the Power of the Infinite within them by which they can rise superior to all their hurdles, overcome their own weaknesses, and, through victorious experience, attain wisdom.

At this point some practical reader may say that attaining wisdom is all very well, but what he wants is practical help. He is perhaps out of work, has sickness in his house and is in debt. Or, he may be well- to-do, and yet in the deepest distress and misery. To all such I would say that they possess the Power by which they can overcome all their difficulties, and, through overcoming, attain wisdom. A man's success depends, more than anything, upon his faith--his faith in the good purpose of life: his faith in the Power of the Infinite within him and his ability to overcome every obstacle in his path.

The extent of the Power that man can bring into his life is the measure of his faith in that Power. If his faith in that Power is small, then his life will be feeble and lacking in achievement. If his faith in the Power within him is large, then great will be the power manifesting in his life. The Power of the Infinite is illimitable and inexhaustible: all that is required is an unquenchable belief and trust in it. The weakest and most timid can make use of this Power. There is the same Power in the timid and weak as in the brave and strong. The weakness of the former is due to a lack of faith and belief in the Infinite Power within them.

Difficulties and troubles there will be in every life, and sometimes disaster and heartbreak, when the very earth slides from under the feet, yet, by calling upon the Power within, it is possible to rise from the ruins of cherished hopes stronger and "greater" through experience. Happiness and true success depend upon how the troubles and difficulties of life are met. Adversity comes to all, but if it is met in the right manner even failure can be made the stepping-stone to success. Trouble comes to all, but, while it makes some people stronger and better in every way, it subdues others so that they never rise again. The trouble is the same, it is how it is met that makes the difference. Those who meet difficulty and adversity in the feeble strength of their finite minds and false personality are speedily overwhelmed and broken by the storms of life. But those who rely upon, and have faith in the Power within them, can never be overwhelmed, neither can they ever be defeated. The Power, being infinite, is always sufficient, no matter how great the need may be.

Remember to Manifest a Miracle


Tuesday, May 10, 2011


The true object of life is that man may attain wisdom through experience. This cannot be accomplished by giving in to the travails of life, but only by overcoming them. The promises of the the Almighty are not made to those who fail in life's battle, but to those who overcome. Neither are there any promises that man should have an easy time and be happy ever afterwards. Yet, it is after this that the majority of people are forever seeking--an easy life, a good time, freedom from suffering and care. But, in spite of all their seeking, they can never find that which they desire. There is always a fly in the ointment of their pleasure, something that robs them of true happiness; or, possibly, combinations of circumstances conspire to upset all their plans.

Life is a paradox; the true object of life is not the attainment of happiness, yet if we attain the true object of life we will find happiness. Those who are ignorant of life's true purpose and who seek happiness high and low, year after year, fail to find it. Like a will-o'-the-wisp, it for ever escapes them. On the other hand, those who recognize the true object of life, and follow it, attain happiness without seeking for it.

In times past, people have made the Almighty a convenience. They have thought they could drift through life, learning none of its discipline and then, when in trouble, or things were not to their liking, they could pray to Him and have the unpleasant circumstances taken away. The same idea is prevalent to-day. People have left the old orthodoxy and look to various "cults" and "isms" to get them out of their difficulties. They do not believe now that they can curry special favour with the Almighty by prayer, but they firmly believe that they can get what they want from the Invisible by demanding it. They think that by this means they can have their own way after all. By this they mean having a good time, with no unpleasant experiences, trials, difficulties, adversities. They are, however, merely chasing rainbows. The easy life they seek constantly eludes them, simply because there is no such thing. The only life that is easy is the life of the strong soul who has overcome. His life is not easy in reality, but appears relatively so because of his strength.

Within You IS The POWER

There is a FORCE lying dormant in man, the use of which he can rise to higher and greater things.

There is in man a greater Being, that transcends the finite senses of man, even as mountains tower above the plains.

The object of these articles is to help humankind to bring their inward powers of mind and spirit into manifestation, wisely and in harmony with the universal laws; to build up character, and to find within themselves that wondrous Being, which is their real self, and which, when found, reveals to them that they are literally and truly sons and daughters of the Most High.

There is no way whereby the discipline of life can be avoided. There is no means by which fate can be "tricked," nor cunning device by which the great cosmic plan can be evaded. Each life must meet its own troubles and difficulties: each soul must pass through its deep waters, every heart must encounter sorrow and grief. But none need be overwhelmed in the great conflicts of life, for one who has learned the great secret of his identity with the Universal Life and Power, dwells in an invulnerable city, built upon and into the Rock of Truth, against which the storms of life beat in vain.

These articles do not offer any vain promises of an easy life--for, if this were possible, it would be the greatest of all tragedies--but rather endeavours to show how to become so strong that life looks almost easy by comparison (the life or fate does not change or become easier, but the individual alters and becomes stronger), yet, it does show the reader how to avoid making his life more difficult than it needs to be. Many people's lives would be less filled with trouble and sorrow if they took life in the right spirit and acted in harmony with Universal Laws.

It is hoped that these articles may help many to come into harmony with the Universal Laws and purpose and thus avoid much needless suffering: to find the Greater Being within, which discovery brings with it a realization of absolute security: to bring into materialization and wisely use their inner spiritual and mental forces and thus enter a life of overcoming and almost boundless power.

Remember to Manifest a Miracle


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Greatest Advice Of All Time?

So why are you interested in the ‘Law of Attraction’ anyway?

Obviously, it’s about doing what you really want to do with your life.

We’ve said it repeatedly, quoting the wise man’s adage:

Money and fame do not happiness make.

Of course, they may help in being happy. For example, it’s pretty nice not having to worry about money. Let’s face it… Most people like money. And others like fame, and many like both.

The thing is… money and fame are usually merely external confirmations of the fact that you’re being happy and doing what you want with your life already.

If you are, money and fame are usually no issues anymore. You either don’t care about them because you’re being happy anyway. Or (many times) they may come as side-effects, or symptoms caused by the fact that you’re already being happy with yourself and your life.

That’s where the principle of being happy and grateful for what happens to you and the situation you’re in is relevant.

Clearly, money and fame are really different things compared to the desire for money and fame. The desire for implies that you’re not being happy and grateful right now, thinking you need money and/or fame in order to be happy and do what you want with your life.

This underlying feeling of needing (and thus the deeply-engrained feeling of lack) determines what you send out… the frequency you broadcast if you will. And this frequency ‘attracts’ a like frequency, and this is the mechanism through which needing pushes things away in a very small nutshell.

Anyway, this is something we’ve talked about more at length in other articles, so we’re not going to repeat this anymore.

In this article we want to get into something a bit more concrete… something more practical to use in your life. This might sound simple, but upon deeper thought it may just be the greatest word of advice of all time…

You know, according to the American physicist, philosopher and management expert Danah Zohar, doing what you really want with your life requires what she calls ‘Spiritual Intelligence’. It’s about your own, personal, deeper actuating motives.

Zohar says that self-development and purpose/meaning are principles that are central to spiritual intelligence. When you’re in touch with your own ‘inner universe’, you can develop your talents and give full scope to your natural gifts.

As such, you’ll live the life that fully matches who you are (which is not necessarily the life that others think you’re supposed to live). Within yourself, you’ll discover your own actuating motives and what really inspires and animates you.

Zohar says that when you manage to live your life from that inspiration, you’re quite a happy person. This pretty much connects to what the American psychologist Abraham Maslow (who came up with the so-called ‘hierarchy of needs’ aiming to explain human motivation) called ‘self actualization’.

According to Maslow, self-actualization is the ultimate state of human development, a spiritual condition in which people are creative, ‘playful’, and tolerant. And if you’ve read our books and articles, you know that these are the very conditions that facilitate the extent to which you can ‘work’ the ‘laws of the universe’ (if you want to call them that).

And you know what? There’s actually a specific group of people who can teach us a lot about this state of ‘creativity’, ‘playfullness’ and ‘tolerance’, or rather ‘spiritual intelligence’...

These people are children. Kids are almost the very paragon of spiritual intelligence.

Of course, this doesn’t mean we should all start behaving in infantile ways. However, we can start to look at the world more like children do. We could start to re-invent and re-discover the qualities that we so often lose in the process of what’s called ‘growing up’ and ‘becoming adults’.

Those qualities are:

Being open
Being genuine
Eager to learn
Feeling adventurous
Wonder and astonishment on the least things…
And not to forget: unconditional love.

Let’s face it… People who are living life like this are pleasant company, both to themselves and to others.

Spiritual intelligence has got nothing to do with religion or faith. Of course, both are fine if pursuing them makes you feel good inside, if pursuing them is your own choice if it’s not imposed on you by others.

No, spiritual intelligence is about self-reflection and intuition. There’s a difference between what many consider ‘being spiritual’ and ‘spiritual intelligence’.

You can do reiki, qigong, meditation, burn incense, do rain dances in wildlife outfits all day and read books about ‘spirituality’. And of course that’s all fine if that makes you feel good.

However, ‘spiritual intelligence’ rather refers to making the choices that suit you and actually consciously experiencing and feeling the satisfaction and feeling of fulfillment and self-realization that come with that.

That’s what’ll make you happy.

So what’s potentially the greatest advice of all time?


Be open. Be adventurous. Be curious. Be eager to learn. Be genuine, not least to yourself. Don’t judge. Acknowledge the wonder of life and the amazing experience it brings.

After all, it seems so real, doesn’t it?

In the words of the late comedian Bill Hicks:

“The world is like a ride in an amusement park. And when you choose to go on it, you think it’s real because that’s how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it’s very brightly coloured and it’s very loud and it’s fun, for a while.

Some people have been on the ride for a long time and they begin to question, is this real, or is this just a ride? And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, “Hey – don’t worry, don’t be afraid, ever, because, this is just a ride...”

And we kill those people.

“We have a lot invested in this ride. Shut him up. Look at my furrows of worry. Look at my big bank account and my family. This just has to be real.”

Just a ride... But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok.

But it doesn’t matter, because it’s just a ride. And we can change it anytime we want. It’s only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings and money.

A choice, right now, between fear and love.”

So what’s your choice?

Remain childlike. And enjoy the ride!

Nicholas P. Kidd and Henk J.M. Schram are the instigators of the alleged ‘Great Revolution’, which provides the members with truthful instructions regarding the universal principles of life.

The Revolution is receiving increasingly widespread attention for its straightforward explanations and instructions with regard to complex issues, which are made understandable for people from all walks of life. In essence, the true secrets of the ‘Law of Attraction’ and the other ‘Universal Laws’ are explained in much clearer and practical ways than the 'enigmas wrapped in riddles' that usually characterize the descriptions of the Law of Attraction and its application.

More information on the Great Revolution, on joining and on the ‘universal principles of life’ (the true ‘Universal Laws’) can be found at

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


So you’re looking to transform your life into something ‘better’ than it seems to be right now…

You’ve now reached the point where you’re seeking to work with what’s popularly called the ‘Law of Attraction’ to attract the experiences, circumstances, people, etc. that you associate with the ‘new and improved’ image of your life.

You’re seeking to learn how to actually bring about this transformation.

Well, here’s the catch:

What we call ‘transformation’ is actually a process of deprogramming. It’s not so much learning as it is unlearning.

The thing is that you’ve always been a unique aspect of the ‘infinite awareness’ that connects us all. It’s just that all kinds of programming and conditioning have disconnected most of us from that understanding.

Actually, the way out is to remove the dirt that lies between you and the daylight. Most people have encased themselves in limited beliefs, which manifest energetically in dense electromagnetic fields that basically ‘block your vision’ from the daylight.

You’re still ‘infinite awareness’ in your core, and you still ‘attract’ your experiences.

But once you make the conscious decision that you want to break out and bring about a transformation and change your life, the experiences you attract are tailored to break down those energetic walls around you that block your vision.

As soon as the walls of limitation tumble down, more of your natural ‘awareness’ can flow through you, and your ‘reality’ will start to change as your programmed perceptions are rewritten.

An important part of this process is to listen to your intuition instead of just rationalizing everything based on your conditioned beliefs. There’s this ‘intuitively knowing’ voice inside of you that knows what’s right for you in general, rather than what you might rationally think is right for you at the time.

This is something we’ve been talking about in previous articles…

True enough, the process of ‘transformation’ will bring challenges. But if you stick with your intuition through all of these experiences (nice and less pleasant), after a while your life changes BECAUSE OF what you’ve experienced going through these challenges, NOT DESPITE OF it.

This is a profound realization, and this will also be something we’ll get into in our next article.

But many people give up entirely, degrading this whole concept of ‘attraction’ as mumbo-jumbo the moment the going gets a little tough.

“This wasn’t what I wanted to attract! This doesn’t work!”

Well, actually it does. You’re attracting the very experiences designed to break through whatever is keeping you from experiencing your desired reality.

As mentioned, we’ll get into more details of this in the next article.

But for now, it’s first important to realize once again that understanding the power of attention is the first thing you need and absolutely vital to regaining control of your life experience.

“Energy flows where attention goes.”

There’s this parable of a Cherokee Native American who was teaching his grandchildren about life:

“A fight is going on inside of me… It is a terrible fight, and it is between two wolves. One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, pride and superiority. The other wolf stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.

This same fight is going on inside of you and every other person too.”

The grandkids thought about it for a while and then one of them asked:

“Which wolf will win?”

The old Cherokee answered:

“The one I feed.”

That is, the one you give attention to.

When you react to a situation (pleasant or unpleasant) or make a some kind of choice in your life, it’s worth asking yourself what level of awareness your choice or decision comes from.

Does what you do or decide represent fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, pride, superiority?

Or is it a manifestation of joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, faith?

How you react to the situations you’re presented with defines who you are, and determines what you’ll attract next. As long as your conscious decision is to change your life for the better, you will ‘attract’ experiences to break out of the box that’s keeping you from experiencing this reality right now.

The first step in making this happen is to accept your reactions and decisions that come from the ‘heart’, from your ‘infinite awareness’, from knowing what’s right for you.

You need to be kind to yourself when you react to what you’re presented with, and not get caught in self-loathing and frustration.

In the words of Charles Swindoll:

“We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

So be gentle with yourself. Don’t fall into self-loathing and frustration the moment you’re faced with a challenge that doesn’t seem to match the image you had of your ‘new and improved’ life.

It’s just a stepping stone that gets you one step closer.

And since ‘energy flows where attention goes’ (meaning what you’ll manifest will depend on what you give your attention to), don’t forget to build in some fun and joy in your life.

Make way for joy, peace, love, etc… for things you like. And experience the joy intensely!

Have a ‘manifestivity’! Believe me, it works…

See you next time!

Nicholas P. Kidd and Henk J.M. Schram are the instigators of the alleged ‘Great Revolution’, which provides the members with truthful instructions regarding the universal principles of life.

The Revolution is receiving increasingly widespread attention for its straightforward explanations and instructions with regard to complex issues, which are made understandable for people from all walks of life. In essence, the true secrets of the ‘Law of Attraction’ and the other ‘Universal Laws’ are explained in much clearer and practical ways than the 'enigmas wrapped in riddles' that usually characterize the descriptions of the Law of Attraction and its application.

More information on the Great Revolution, on joining and on the ‘universal principles of life’ (the true ‘Universal Laws’) can be found at

I Can’t Believe My Eyes!

“I can’t believe my eyes”, people say…

Well, they shouldn’t either. Because you’re eyes don’t actually see.

They’re merely lenses that pass on information to the visual cortex in the brain. And only there do you see.

So you actually see with your brain, not with your eyes. “I saw it with my own brain!” would be a better way to put it.

After all, we decode the visible frequencies of light that our eyes pick up into ‘physical reality’. Your eyes don’t send images to your brain of 3D street scenes or whatever we think we see outside of us.

They perceive frequencies and then send them to the brain in the form of electrical signals. And your brain decodes those signals into an apparent 3D reality that we think is outside of us.

What we see is ‘light’, as it’s reflected by what’s called ‘luminous matter’. ‘Luminous matter’ reflects electromagnetic light, which your eyes can perceive.

But 95% (at least) of the mass in the universe is known as ‘dark matter’ or ‘dark energy’. This ‘stuff’ doesn’t reflect light, and therefore can’t be seen by us humans. However, it can be measured by its effect on the part of the universe that we can ‘see’. That’s how we know it’s there.

But anyway, the only light we can see is the light reflected within the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum. And we only see those particular frequencies within that electromagnetic spectrum. And actually, it’s only a fraction of the spectrum that can be accessed by our human vision:

But there’s even more…

The electromagnetic spectrum is only 0.005% of the estimated mass of the universe. And human sight can see only a tiny fraction of these electromagnetic frequencies. So imagine how little of the universe we can actually perceive and decode into ‘physical’ reality!

We’re virtually blind!

The truth is that we only see what the brain tells us to see. And let’s take a quick look at what happens before we actually ‘see’:

First, light enters the eye by passing through the outer, transparent layer called the ‘cornea’.

Then it goes on through the pupil, which gets bigger or smaller to allow for more or less light to be let in (depending on the circumstances). This latter process is controlled by the iris (the colored part of the eye).

Then it goes to the lens to be focused.

After that, it enters the ‘vitreous humor’, a jelly-like substance behind the lens.

And then the light (or information) strikes the retina, which ‘captures’ the image like the film in those good old photo cameras. However, this image recorded on the retina is two-dimensional and upside-down!

The next stop is the optic nerve, which in turn sends the image through the brain to the ‘occipital lobe’. This is where the brain re-assembles the two-dimensional and upside-down image that was delivered by the eyes into the form that we think we are seeing.

So this is really quite a path to travel for what we think is an ‘objective image’ before we actually ‘see’ it. And what’s even more striking are all the things that happen before we actually ‘see’ the image that we think we see.

After all, what we think is a 3D image that situated outside of us is only constructed when frequencies are recorded as a two-dimensional and upside-down image on the retina. It’s only later (when the info reaches the ‘occipital lobe’) that it’s constructed into a 3D image. And this construction happens in your brain.

So does the world outside of us really exist in the way we think we see it? But wait… Here’s another thought-provoking realization:

On the way from the eyes to the visual cortex, the temporal lobes edit and reconstruct up to 50% and more of the ‘light’ or ‘information’ that was perceived by the eyes. In his book The Holographic Universe, the late Michael Talbot [1] writes about the work of neurophysiologist Karl Pribram and others [p. 163]:

“Pribram discovered that the visual information a monkey receives via its optic nerves does not travel directly to its visual cortex, but is first filtered through other areas of its brain.

“Numerous studies have shown that the same is true of human vision. Visual information entering our brains is edited and modified by our temporal lobes before it is passed on to our visual cortices.

“Some studies suggest that less than 50 percent of what we ‘see’ is actually based on information entering our eyes. The remaining 50 percent plus is pieced together out of our expectation of what the world should look like (and perhaps out of other sources such as reality fields). The eyes may be the visual organs, but it is the brain that sees.”

Wow! And then consider this…

What we don’t ‘see’, we make up. Seriously, we make it up! Here’s how…

Our eyes have a blind spot where the optic nerve connects to the eye in the middle of the retina. We can’t see anything with that part of the eye. However, the brain weaves the picture together from the information available and ‘fills the hole’.

So actually, what we believe we are seeing is what we see. Upon constructing the 3D image that we think we eventually ‘see’, the brain filters and tweaks the information received by filling in holes and matching it to its expectations of what there is to be seen, based on its engrained beliefs. And that latter part makes up for more than 50% of the images we actually ‘see’!

That’s quite something! We also describe this mechanism in our free book on the Premises Of Your Own Power. Here are some excerpts of what we wrote:

“Most people will be familiar with overlooking misspelled words. This is because your eyes, or rather your brain, is so accustomed to reading the words in correct spelling, that it simply overlooks a typo. The typo is filtered out of the image by your brain, which causes you to overlook it and see the correct spelling, which is in line with your expectations. This does not happen all the time, but it does happens sometimes, which illustrates the point to make here. Neurophysiologists like Karl Pribram have long been aware of this fact.


In relation to the example of the misspelled words, your engrained belief system (the correct spelling of the words you see most of the time) caused your brain to filter out the information (the typo) that was at odds with its conditioned worldview (its expectations).”

Here’s another excerpt:

“Likewise, studies have shown that men and women often have trouble communicating accurately with each other, because what one says the other does not hear. Each hears merely whatever supports their belief and prejudice about each other. They pick up only what they want to hear, or what supports their conditioned view of the way things are. This is a psychological phenomenon called ‘selective retention’.”

And here’s a final one:

“The catch is that seeing is not just believing. Apparently, ‘believing is also seeing’.

Because the information picked up by your eyes is edited by your brain according to its engrained belief systems, a large proportion of what you actually ‘see’ is determined by what you believe deep inside to be true. You see what you believe.

And of course, because you see what you believe, you immediately believe what you see, because it supports your belief systems that determined what you saw in the first place. Thus, what you see reinforces your belief system, which causes you to keep seeing things in the way you believe things to be, which in turn again makes you see things in that way. It’s a self-reinforcing cycle!”

You can read more details on that in the book on the Premises Of Your Own Power…

But for now, we’re slowly moving into the point that we want to make…

After all, it’s clear that the beliefs programmed into your brain have a significant effect on the way you perceive ‘reality’… or in fact, on the way you even construct reality and thus what you seem to be ‘attracting’!

The thing is… Your brain is not the center of control that determines what happens and what doesn’t happen.

And that’s good news!

Because it’s still true that you can be the one taking control. You don’t have to be a slave to your body and brain. That is, if you recognize that you are not your body. You need to recognize that you are indeed the essence controlling it and occupying it to allow yourself to experience this ‘3D solid world’.

After all… Consider all this:

There has been this publication of an article in the scientific journal ‘Science’ with the provocative title ‘Is Your Brain Really Necessary’ [2].

This article was a reaction to the description of this British neurologist John Lorber of a young man of ‘normal development’, with an IQ of 126, and an academic degree in mathematics.

The funny thing was that a brain scan of this apparently highly intelligent young man showed that he was a pretty hardcore case of what’s known as ‘hydrocephalus’, or ‘water on the brain’.

Put differently, the head of this ‘IQ 126’, ‘academic degree in mathematics’ young man was filled with cerebrospinal fluid for 95%. What this means in layman’s terms is that his skull was like a swimming pool for his brain, which basically drowned in all that fluid.

His cerebral cortex had a gauge of about 1 millimeter, so there was hardly any brain tissue left. The weight of his brain was estimated to about 100 grams, where 1500 grams is normal for an average homo sapiens sapiens. But the workings of his brain were hardly impaired at all!

Maybe we underestimated him…

Anyway, it seems like the brain is not the source of consciousness. And so the good news is that you can exert control over your brain (and thus your perceptions and the way you construct your reality (or what you seem to ‘attract’)) through your own being conscious.

Put differently:


Basically, your body (including your brain) is a vehicle for experience, and you’re in the driver’s seat.

You can take control and manipulate your perceptions, and it has been shown that you (being a conscious essence) can even change your brain (being a part of the ‘space suit’ (your body) you’re wearing in order to be able to experience this ‘physical ‘reality’).

And if you listen closely, you’ll see this is true, and you’ll learn how you can benefit from this…

Science has shown during our lives there’s this ongoing process of adaptation in your brain. This happens because your mental, intellectual, spiritual and physical activities influence both the number as well as the locations of the mutual connections between neurons (brain cells). This process of ongoing adaptation is called ‘neuroplasticity’ or ‘cortical remapping’.

So basically, because of conscious attention, emotions and active thought processes, as well as due to physical activity and movement, the neural networks in your brain change continually. And as such, the electromagnetical activity in your brain changes all the time as well.

In a recent article in the scientific journal called ‘Progress In Neurobiology’ called ‘Mind Does Really Matter’ [3], neuroscientist Mario Beauregard comes to the conclusion that trust and positive expectations are capable of influencing (changing) the parts in the brain that play a significant role in perceiving, movement, pain and a whole bunch of emotional processes.

So your mental processes (thoughts, feelings, beliefs, but most of all your conscious free will) can significantly influence the functioning of your brain on various levels.

Your conscious and deliberate manipulation of your thoughts and expectations not only greatly improves your feelings of well-being. It also causes a demonstrable biological change in your brain. (Beauregard outlines a whole list of studies that demonstrate the effect of consciousness on brain functioning in his book The Spiritual Brain [4]).

So what to make of all this scientific mumbo-jumbo?

Well, here we go…

By waking-the-hell up from the vicious cycle that you may find yourself in, you can make astonishing changes in your perceived reality.

After all, we’ve seen that you see what you believe. Your brain edits the information it receives based on its engrained belief systems to determine what you see. And then what you see is merely a confirmation of what you already believe. It’s a self-reinforcing cycle, and it’s vicious as long as it’s based on beliefs of negativity, being powerless, being poor, feeling guilty, and so on…

But by waking-the-hell up, you can consciously change your perceptions. You can consciously cause significant, demonstrable biological changes in your brain.

Your brain will change, and your perceptions will change. And as your perceptions will change, your beliefs will change. And as your beliefs change into knowing that you have full power over your own reality, your perceptions will change accordingly.

It’s still a self-reinforcing cycle, but not a vicious one anymore. Both your conscious and your subconscious mind will change into a state in which you genuinely believe down to the core of your being that you’re the one in control.

And you can simply pick your beliefs. Your brain, mind and perceptions of your ‘outside reality’ will follow automatically.

Even if you have ‘water on the head’, as you have seen…

So who cares if your brain scan looks like Homer Simpson’s?

It doesn’t matter, because you are not your body. You are a unique representation of all that exists, and you’re awesome. You can choose to make the change. It’s your call.

And here’s how you can:

Nicholas P. Kidd and Henk J.M. Schram are the instigators of the alleged ‘Great Revolution’, which provides the members with truthful instructions regarding the universal principles of life.

The Revolution is receiving increasingly widespread attention for its straightforward explanations and instructions with regard to complex issues, which are made understandable for people from all walks of life. In essence, the true secrets of the ‘Law of Attraction’ and the other ‘Universal Laws’ are explained in much clearer and practical ways than the 'enigmas wrapped in riddles' that usually characterize the descriptions of the Law of Attraction and its application.

More information on the Great Revolution, on joining and on the ‘universal principles of life’ (the true ‘Universal Laws’) can be found at


[1] Talbot, M. (1991), The Holographic Universe, HarperCollins Publishers Inc.,
New York;

[2] Lewin, R. (1980), “Is Your Brain Really Necessary?”, Science 210, pp. 1232-1234;

[3] Beauregard, M. (2007), “Mind Does Really Matter: Evidence From Neuroimaging Studies of Emotional Self-Regulation, Psychotherapy, And Placebo Effect”, Progress In Neurobiology 81 (4), pp. 218-236;

[4] Beauregard, M. and D. O’Leary (2007), The Spiritual Brain: How Neuroscience Is Revealing The Existence Of The Soul, Chapter 6: Toward A Nonmaterialistic Science Of Mind, HarperOne, A Division Of HarperCollins Publishers Inc., New York, pp. 125-180.

Reality Creation Part 1 – Living In Trance

In our free book on the nature of your own power we already indicated how you literally create your own reality based on the belief systems engrained in your consciousness. A great deal of the information that enters your eyes is ‘edited’ by your brain based on these conditioned belief systems to create in image that matches your engrained worldview.

Consider this, for example. Your eyes have a blind spot where the optic nerve connects to the eye in the middle of the retina. You can’t see anything with that part of your eye. Still, your brain manages to weave a picture together from the information it receives and fills the gap by making assumptions based on what it expects from its conditioned belief systems.

Another example is the condition that is commonly referred to as the ‘phantom limb syndrome’. People dealing with phantom limb syndrome experience the sensations of having a limb that was actually amputated or lost to still be attached to the body and still actually feeling the limb. The five senses still seem to react to the brain’s conditioned sense of reality.

Even more astonishing examples can be seen in the field of hypnosis. Everyone knows about the experiences in stage shows, in which people are made to believe they are seeing the audience naked, or they run around like a chicken and things like that.

Another common example is that the hypnotist makes the subjects believe they are eating onions while thinking they’re eating apples. As an observer you can clearly see that the person is eating an onion, usually expressing clear signs of disgust at the mere thought of it. However, to the person that is hypnotized, the onion actually tastes like an apple.

What happens is that the hypnotist implants a new belief that changes the experience of the person being hypnotized. A new ‘hypnotic reality’ is created based on a new belief system, namely that an onion tastes like an apple. To the person that is being hypnotized, this reality is just as ‘real’ as the one in his or her ‘awakened state’.

In his book The Holographic Universe, the late Michael Talbot describes another experience with hypnosis. He recalls a gathering with a group of friends, and for entertainment purposes his father hired a professional hypnotist. One of the friends was called Tom, and Tom was the lucky guy to get hypnotized.

The hypnotist made Tom believe that there was a giraffe in the room, and the story with the onion tasting like an apple was used as well (except for the onion being a raw potato this time). But then came an even more interesting part.

During his trance state, the hypnotist told Tom that when he would awake, he would not be able to see his daughter Laura. Next, he brought Tom back to ‘waking’ consciousness and asked Laura to stand in front of her father. When he asked Tom if he could see his daughter, he replied that he couldn’t. Laura laughed about it, and even that didn’t make Tom realize his daughter was right in front of him.

After that, the hypnotist stood behind Laura and hid something for Tom by holding it against her back. So to see what he was holding, Tom would have to be able to look through his daughter. When the hypnotist asked Tom what he was holding in his hand, Tom leaned forward to take a good look and answered: “A watch”.

Tom was right. After that, the hypnotist asked Tom if he could read the inscription on the watch. Tom had to take a good look, but he actually managed to read the inscription, while his daughter was standing between him and the watch.

So what happened? Tom had in fact been programmed to believe he couldn’t see his daughter, so he didn’t. Such is the power of your mind.

Another example is proved by Charles T. Tart, who was a professor of Psychology at the University of California (Davis Campus). In his book ‘Altered States of Consciousness’ he describes how he had two skilled hypnotists called Anne and Bill hypnotize each other.

What he was trying to do was to synchronize their two hypnotic realities. And that’s what they managed to do. The two found themselves experiencing the same place, which was a beautiful beach. They swam together in the ocean and studied the crystalline rocks. They even reported talking to each other, even though they were not speaking ‘physically’ in the ‘reality’ from where Tart was observing them.

From their experience the ‘hypnotic reality’ was every bit as ‘real’ as their ‘awakened state’. They had ‘regular’ five-sense-like sensations. Still, they recalled that during their hypnotic experience they often forgot to manifest their bodies and were floating around as just heads and faces. At one point, Bill asked Anne to take his hand, but she first had to ‘think her hand into existence’ before she was able to do this.

These examples of hypnosis give some indications of how ‘reality’ is created ‘in here’, and not ‘out there’, as most of us are conditioned to believe. They show how your whole life experience changes once you change your most basic assumptions about reality.

This is not to say that you should go about getting hypnotized into another reality right away (although in some cases hypnosis can be useful for de-programming purposes). The key is to realize that you may be ‘hypnotized’ right now into a programmed sense of reality that may or may not fit your bill.

The solution then is not to hypnotize yourself into another limited sense of reality. That would be akin to accepting that you have the power to create anything you want and the infinite possibility that comes with it, but still choosing limitation. Besides, in that regard many people are often inclined to choose a reality that they only think they want, because that fits the artificially imposed measures of ‘success’ (see our previous post on this).

But that would never bring you the sense of freedom and happiness that you really seek. The keys to that are ‘self-realization’ and ‘self-fulfillment’. When you realize what you really want, and start pursuing that, you will find that the path to get there will be almost laid-out for you.

All you need to do is to act on the inspirations that you get. These actions will get you there. It’s a guidance by a deeper, subconscious level of yourself, which is beyond the limited perspective of your conscious mind (more about this in a future article).

The problem is that most people have a severely limited perspective of who they are and what they are capable of. And another problem is, that the way ‘society’ is set up, does not stimulate those levels of yourself that can get the game of what we tend to call ‘attraction’ in true motion.

We are constantly being programmed into accepting certain realities, because that’s what makes those realities manifest. In the movie ‘The Matrix’ (the first one), the woman known as the ‘Oracle’ tells the main character called Neo not to worry about the vase. “What vase?”, he asks. And as he asks this question, a vase falls on the floor and shatters into pieces next to him. He apologizes for breaking it, but the Oracle replies:

“What’s really going to cook your noodle is would it have happened if I hadn’t said anything?”

Think about that for a second…

Anyway, we’ll give some more examples of how this is done in future articles. But for now, try to understand that all our lives, our belief systems are conditioned with the limited views that prevail our societies. The true knowledge about who we really are and what we’re capable of were suppressed or even lost, or have at least been given far from sufficient attention. But you can change your belief systems, and thus your reality. And the knowledge is at your fingertips!

But once again, that doesn’t mean you should program yourself into a new reality of ‘limitation’. The real solution is to awaken from your hypnotized state and realize that you control your reality, and that you co-create our collective reality on this plane of existence with each and everybody else. The real solution is to realize who you are, and act according to that ‘instinct’. Once you accept who you are, the walls of limitation will start to crumble immediately.

You don’t have to ‘seek enlightenment’ or anything like that. It’s already knocking on your door. You just need to open it up and let it in.

However, what most of us do is like sticking our heads in the ground with our bums up the air.

“No, no, I can’t do that… What will the neighbours think?”
“Oh no, I can’t do that, I didn’t get good marks in school.”

Acknowledge who you are and what you really want, and the walls of limitation tumble down almost automatically. Then you choose what you experience, from a de-programmed, de-hypnotized state.

Freedom at last!

And if you don’t know where to get started, here’s a suggestion:

Nicholas P. Kidd and Henk J.M. Schram are the instigators of the alleged ‘Great Revolution’, which provides the members with truthful instructions regarding the universal principles of life.

The Revolution is receiving increasingly widespread attention for its straightforward explanations and instructions with regard to complex issues, which are made understandable for people from all walks of life. In essence, the true secrets of the ‘Law of Attraction’ and the other ‘Universal Laws’ are explained in much clearer and practical ways than the 'enigmas wrapped in riddles' that usually characterize the descriptions of the Law of Attraction and its application.

More information on the Great Revolution, on joining and on the ‘universal principles of life’ (the true ‘Universal Laws’) can be found at

The Law of Attraction and ‘Success’ – What Is ‘Success’ Anyway?!

Everyone seems to strive to be ‘successful’ in life. We all look to apply the ‘Law of Attraction’ to gain ‘success’.

But what is ‘success’? What makes you successful, and what makes you a ‘failure’?

To answer this question, let’s first take a look at our world. Our societies are completely focused on our five senses of seeing, hearing, tasting, touching and smelling. Our five senses are constantly stimulated. They are enticed and exploited all the time.

It is therefore no surprise that we tend to focus our minds on materialism 24 hours per day. We tend to focus all the time on big cars, big houses, lots of money in the bank, and so on.

There is nothing wrong with that in itself. Neither does this mean that being ‘spiritual’ equals being poor and living in a dump. That doesn’t make sense either. The problem is not with the ‘material’ objects themselves. I’ll get back to this later.

First, I’d like to know this… So many people want to ‘attract a new car’. But what is it with cars anyway? Somehow the car has become a symbol of status, of ‘success’. I know a number of people (even some well-known ones) who are so obsessed with their cars, they even give names to their car.

A friend of mine had a car and was really proud of it. He called this car ‘Infinity’. Another friend of mine doesn’t care the least bit about what kind of car he drives. Still, he needed to buy a car the other day to be able drive to work. But because he didn’t really care about it, he simply bought the first set of wheels that he liked even just a bit and of which he thought the price was right for him. “If I can drive to work and back with it, then that’s a great car for me”, he thought.

He bought himself a pretty old car to be honest. It certainly didn’t look that fancy. The other friend would have dubbed it a piece of junk. But this guy couldn’t care less. In fact, he could see the fun of it. In response to my other friend who called his car ‘Infinity’, this guy decided to give his car a name too. He called it ‘Finity’.

I kid you not, this is a true story. What it illustrates is the relativity of ‘status’ and ‘success’. What one person would consider being dignified, could be considered by the next person as pathetic.

Like I said, the trap is not with material objects themselves. These are just frequency patterns anyway. The problem comes when we see those objects as the ultimate goals and the very symbols of success that confirm whether we ‘made it’ in life or not.

It is for this reason that many people look to others to confirm to themselves if they are ‘doing well’ or if they are ‘successful’. When you don’t succeed in terms of big houses, big cars, big money, you are often considered as a ‘failure’, and often consider yourself as such.

The whole system thrives on consumption and the constant expansion of consumption, and the more we consume, the more we are considered to be ‘successful’. This even leads to many people borrowing more of what they don’t have and getting in even deeper trouble, simply to provide themselves the very things that should testify to others of their alleged ‘success’.

So is this the kind of ‘success’ you are looking for?

What if I told you that the real success you are looking for is not having all kinds of material stuff, but is actually called ‘happiness’?

After all, why would you want a lot of money, or a big house, or a big car? Why would you want others to approve of you? In the end it all comes down to a desire for a sense of security and happiness, and being able to live life on your own terms. The quest ends when you’re happy and fulfilled.

But when are you happy and fulfilled?

Here’s a hint from what a wise man once said:

“Money and fame do not happiness make.”

Don’t get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with having a lot of money, or being well-known, or having big cars and big houses. These are all thought fields and are just experience. The problem is that so many people get absorbed in pursuing the material ‘dream’ that they forget about why they are doing that in the first place.

I believe it was John Harricharan who said this:

“Most people are so busy trying to make a living, they forget to make a life.”

He’s right. Most people are ‘human doings’ instead of ‘human beings’.

The funny thing is that the greatest payoff from trying to get what you want through working with the ‘Law of Attraction’ comes from a state of being. It is a state of happiness, contentment and love and gratitude for what IS that gets you what you truly want.

At any rate, the greatest payoff from your attraction efforts does certainly not come from an obsession with ever more material stuff in the merry-go-round that gets faster by the day, for the sole reason to seek approval and confirmation of your ‘success’ from others, in order to compensate for a lack of self-esteem that is the cause of this obsession to begin with.

A sense of security, self-esteem and ‘success’ is found within yourself, not outside.

And the funny thing is that once you give up the obsession with possession and finally acknowledge your true self, the person who you really are deep inside, you seem to manifest what you want much more easily.

When that happens, you can enjoy all kinds of material stuff as much as you like, if that’s what you choose. You can choose to have a big car if you like. You can choose to live in a big house if that’s what you want.

The difference is that you won’t be controlled by the never-ending pursuit of these things. You won’t be ‘on the path to happiness and success’ anymore. You would just BE happy instead, and from there you will allow things to manifest instead of chasing them forever. It’s a small difference in perception, but with profound effects.

It is then that you will start to live life, instead of life living you.

So what is ‘success’?

Success, my friend, is what you define it to be.

Now go manifest your success, whatever that is for you!

Nicholas P. Kidd and Henk J.M. Schram are the instigators of the alleged ‘Great Revolution’, which provides the members with truthful instructions regarding the universal principles of life.

The Revolution is receiving increasingly widespread attention for its straightforward explanations and instructions with regard to complex issues, which are made understandable for people from all walks of life. In essence, the true secrets of the ‘Law of Attraction’ and the other ‘Universal Laws’ are explained in much clearer and practical ways than the 'enigmas wrapped in riddles' that usually characterize the descriptions of the Law of Attraction and its application.

More information on the Great Revolution, on joining and on the ‘universal principles of life’ (the true ‘Universal Laws’) can be found at